Hello Guys ,
In these Days Free Mobile recharging is very
easy We Provide you continuously more methods
to free Recharge of your mobile. As i say in my
previews post we focusing on Free recharge
Tricks so again we come with New Recharge
So Today i am going To tell you a new Website
name [ rewardeagle.asia ] Which Provide Free
recharge very easily by just following 3 simple
Process Of recharging...
1.1st Register using email id .
2. Then update your profile.
3. You have to share there post on Facebook
and twitter (go to reward tab)
Here 1 point =1 rs, after doing 3 steps, you will
get 10 point.
To recharge go to reward and confirm your
mobile no n get recharge
Its also giving referral earning, giving 10 point
bt after 10 rs recharge the next redemption point
is 200 .
Now above is a steps to Recharge Now we can
share a Trick to how to get recharge with same
Number with different accounts.
After Registering your other number/family
members Numb.
U can use same fb, twitter id for sharing for
registering multiple accounts :-)
Trick to earn though referral using one mobile
you can earn through a mobile no bt the no.
Should not be registered there
1st register through your referral link.
Then do all 3 steps.
Then while giving number data on reward page...
The operator n circle should be wrong, then
proceed for otp.
After the otp conformation,
proceed for recharge bt the recharge will not
done then the error will show to modify, press
modify Your no. Will delete bt you will get your
referral point..
Do same process again for Recharging.
" Guys Now we sharing of our post is less so
our Trick posting is also reduced. So do share
so we post for You more."